Time To Set Your Sails

How valuable is your time?

We would all agree that time is a precious commodity, right? We often get annoyed when other people ‘waste’ our time and can feel like we have been taken for granted. Or perhaps we feel that we are perceived to be of lesser importance, when someone is late for an appointment or appears to be casual with their time, but only when the appointment is with you! Yet how do we value our own time? Are we more generous with our time with those whom we like more than others? What message are we giving to others about the significance of our time?


Valuing our time is linked to valuing our self-worth. So what do you think of yourself? Do you respect yourself and your ability to add value to the lives of others? Do you have a strong unshakeable belief about yourself? Perhaps you are full of doubt, and need to work on yourself? I have learnt that my time is really precious. I actively choose to spend it well and efficiently. I actively choose to spend more time with like-minded people and to prioritise my daily business building activities. 20160227_021116000_iOSIt is not always easy to stick to, but I practise, practise, practise. Yes, I have also noticed a difference in response in the language used by some people, ‘…I know you are busy, but I just wanted to speak to you about ….’, ‘..could you spare me 10 minutes after we finish today !’, or ‘…thank you for the time you have given me’. Create an awareness about who you are, and the value of your time. Be smart and work smart and value yourself. Enjoy the change in your language and awareness and be intentional with your time.


To find out more about Tessa’s business, go to www.tessafyffe.com