Have You Lowered Your Ceiling?


Have you given yourself enough headroom to grow?  Sometimes we sabotage our own success by having a low ceiling. What do I mean by that?

Well have you allowed yourself to dream? And not just in a half-hearted daydream whilst on the tube waiting to arrive at your destination. But made an honest and considered connection with your heart. A real exercise of the heart and mind. Perhaps you are a bit scared to explore and examine your heart to find out what your real hopes and dreams and goals are in life. What you would really like to do; to be? Perhaps the all too familiar ‘reality – check’ (whatever that really means) wafts in unannounced into your soul-searching exercise, and automatically you hit your head on that lowered ceiling.

We’ve all done this right? Sure I know I have a million times! But not anymore.

Why have a ceiling anyway? In fact, the truth is, there is NO ceiling! Well, not unless you choose to put it there.IMG_1150

You may have heard this already. We really can change our view of our lives and abilities by changing our thoughts. Give yourself the headroom to grow. Loosen the pegs of your tent, if you like. A wiser man once said, ‘If you can conceive it, you can achieve it’. Let the light of possibility into your life.  Let the sky be your lower limit. https://youtu.be/jiOd2u3FD-s

www.tessafyffe.com Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people set up their own part-time or full-time home-based business, so they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session without obligation, and find out if this is a fit for you email@tessafyffe.com or text +44 7977 501212