Are you a list person? Always with one or more lists on the go? Well you’re not alone! Are you open to a fresh outlook on how best to prioritise? Well then this is a video for you!
I’m a big fan of Brendon Burchard, and I love his style of teaching and what he talks about! He’s my kind of people! Anyway, after listening to one of his podcasts recently, I had so many ‘aha’ moments, that I just had to share these with you.
I applaud you. It takes courage to adopt an ‘ever-learning ever-growing’ mindset, and that makes you my kind of person! So let’s dive straight in and learn together.
In this video, I talk about 3 key decisions for you to make that will help you to prioritise tasks better and empower you to keep improving.
So first up, stop prioritising your easy wins. Boom! I had to ponder over this for a bit before it sunk in. Maybe like many others you think it good to start with a quick and easy item on your list, because you can tick it off and feel good about yourself? Well according to Brendan, start with the challenging and difficult items first. Instead ask the question, what would significantly move you closer to your goals today? And that’s what you prioritise. I don’t know about you, but that really helps me in moving forward.
Next up, stop prioritising everyone else’s emergencies over your own priorities. Boom! Love this, and learning how to say NO! It’s a key life skill to understand the importance of putting a value to your time, in the work space but also in your life! You set the boundaries.
And the final decision which I find powerful is to start prioritising Freedom! Yes! Where in your day are you creating time and space for the things that nourish you? It’s really empowering, if when you’re planning your schedule for the week , you can see, written down, when you have 30 minutes for meditation, or a power-walk, or finally having that telephone conversation with your friend who makes you laugh out loud, and where face-to-face meet-ups aren’t possible yet.
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Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here linktr.ee/tessafyffeTo get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide https://tessafyffe.com/glowguide/