More Food For Your Mind And Body…

‘No darling. No coffee. No wine. Just deal with it. Come on it’s time for yoga’

So, my husband and I decided to take the 9 day challenge, and complete a cleansing and detox programme called C9. I think I have fallen into the habit of drinking too much coffee, and I do enjoy red wine, so I thought it would be refreshing for my body (and mind) to do without these rather delicious stimulants for a while. My husband is a good sport, and very supportive, so he decided to join me. The foundation of the programme is based upon one of nature’s wonderful secrets, captured in nearly 100% purity by the grower/manufacturer’s patented process, namely Aloe Vera Drinking Gel. We both drink this everyday in any event, as a way of helping our bodies to stay healthy, and we have both received health benefits as a result. So perhaps I was also curious to see how I would feel after the 9 days.

Tessa feeling cleansed and rejuvenated!

Well I must admit that I missed my morning coffee terribly for the first 2 days, and I’m ashamed to say that I was a bit grumpy to begin with (I didn’t see that coming!) By comparison, my husband (whom I shall now refer to as the Artist) was very cool and calm, raising his hand in front of my face very gently and saying, ‘No darling. No coffee. No wine. Just deal with it. Come on it’s time for yoga’.

Now we have completed the challenge – hooray! The slightly chunky bit around my torso and belly that I had accepted as a natural part of my bodyshape has slimmed down and I now have more of a waist, which gave me the boldness to step out of my comfort zone and buy some incredibly skinny, skinny jeans! I am now strutting around my kitchen thinking I’m Olivia Newton-John in ‘Grease’ singing the words to ‘You better shape up….’. I feel differently about my morning coffee, and now I have a morning hot water and lemon instead, and I’m eating more fruits and vegetables each day than I have in a long time. We are both enjoying more energy and more yoga together. And what did the Artist say in his best Aussie accent ‘Yep. It cleared out all the crap in my system and I’ve got more energy’. Enough said.

I think everyone should try this at least once and I have no hesitation in recommending this to friends and family.

You can buy the C9 from me at this link Tessa’s Shop and click ‘Enter Shop’. Also on Facebook Radiance-Gift of Health for more info.

Wishing you a positive and energised day!