‘Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire’ – St Catherine of Siena
So this is my desire, to radiate light & love. I suppose it’s a sort of mantra, or the beginnings of a personal mission statement. I’ve been thinking about the word ‘mission’. What is my mission? Do you have a mission in life? Perhaps you are searching for your mission in life? I have a sense of being used as an instrument to help others, to be blessed with an abundance from which I can be a blessing to everyone around me.
I think of all the mothers who have given so much of themselves, in love, to the nurturing and development of another human being. I am not a mother (though hopefully… one day), but what a gift, what a blessing, to be able to give in such a way that will forever have a positive impact upon a person’s life. To enable a person to live life to the full, really live it!
So how does the saying go? You can give a man a fish and he will feed his family for a day. You can teach a man how to fish, and he will feed his family and others for a lifetime.
Legacy building. That’s what I’m excited about. I’m on the right track, I can feel it! I suppose the finer details will become clearer in time, but I keep moving forward on this mission. It’s interesting, how I seem to be meeting people who share my idea of mission and are joining me along this journey.
Be light & love Radiant Ambassador!