Can You Lead Yourself First?

Many of us want to be leaders. Many of us are leaders already, in our families and work-places, communities and faith-groups; in the sporting arena, our clubs and societies and in many other ways. Many of us are in denial – not wanting to be a leader, but in fact already in a position where others look up to you, for example a distant uncle, or when befriending a vulnerable person. Being a leader, but a servant-leader, is my aspiration. However, before I presume to lead others, can I first learn to lead myself?


What do you mean Tessa? Well… no one wants to use the phrase ‘Do as I say, not as I do’! This is hardly authentic, and would mean that I am full of hot air! No, I’m talking about developing and growing myself daily.

What discipline and structures do I need to have in place in my daily life in order to become a 2016-05-23 17.21.10true leader? How can I develop self-belief and confidence in my existence, purpose and mission in life? How can I nurture a vibrant and healthy love for my Maker, myself and others?

To whom am I accountable? How do I cultivate integrity in all areas of my life? Can I be gracious in the face of the many challenges that will undoubtedly arise in the normal pace of life? What are the consequences of my actions? What can I do to develop the qualities of a leader in my business such as confidence, courage, persistence, consistency, patience, laser-like focus, resiliency, stepping out of my comfort zone and committing to daily income-producing activity?

Could it be that learning to lead yourself first, unlocks the door to being the leader you imagine yourself to be? I believe it does. But tell me, what do you think?  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people reach a position where they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa to schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +447977 501212