Compare And Contrast….

20160227_021116000_iOSHow do you measure your progress in life? How do you know if you are getting better and better each day? How can you tell if you are getting closer to achieving your goals and dreams? Perhaps you identify a role model, or someone who has achieved what you want to achieve, and compare yourself to that person. Well, its great to study the behaviour and habits of successful people and role models, but surely great care is needed in how we choose to apply that information to our lives. A direct comparison, may leave us a little worse for wear, if it leaves us feeling inadequate with the words ‘must try harder’ emblazoned across our foreheads! We are, after all, all very different in our make up, constitution and personality. Perhaps a more effective and  nurturing measure would be to compare our present selves to our past selves.2016-03-17 19.11.40

So if I look at Tessa in September 2014 say? What would I see? Where was I in my journey?

Well I had just taken one of the biggest, seemingly uncharacteristic leaps in my life, by choosing to step away from my career, to find more fulfilment and choice, and to attempt to reacquaint myself with me. I was very excited but could not see the path ahead. All I knew was that if I didn’t move in this new direction, the light within me would slowly fade, and 5 years down the line, I would regret not having the courage to change my life.

I look at Tessa now, and so much newness in my life. All the windows and doors have been flung wide open and waves and waves of new people, places, adventures, travels and changes have come flooding in! Some change has been rather uncomfortable and challenging, and some change has felt like more of a homecoming. I am on a path of self-development and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

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