Feeling Inspired

…how beautiful it is to bathe in a river of inspiration..

When was the last time you felt inspired? Perhaps it’s a word or phrase that we use too lightly or frequently that it’s meaning becomes somewhat diluted. According to my slightly worse for wear Collins dictionary, to ‘Inspire’ means ‘.. to exert a stimulating or beneficial effect upon a person etc; animate or invigorate; to arouse with a particular emotion or to a particular action; stir; to prompt or instigate; give rise to..’.  Wow, how beautiful it is to bathe in a river of inspiration…..I often tell my Artist how much I love him, and on the last occasion he said ‘ Thank you honey, that inspires me..’ Do we know when we are inspiring others? What would happen if we consciously and intentionally decided to be inspiring everyday? To cause a beneficial effect and to prompt to a particular positive action? Surely that would feel very good indeed.


Inspiration can be Divine, and it can be very human. Our stories; our struggles; how we deal with our limitations, physical or otherwise; how we give and receive love; our vulnerability; our brokenness; our silent companionship; our triumphs over adversity; our journeys. 12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_n

I was filled with inspiration at a weekend event, where ordinary men and women who now lead extraordinary lives, shared their struggles and successes in the hope that their stories would have a beneficial effect and prompt many others to take action to change their lives. I am changing my life, by changing my actions and my thinking. I am working with others who wish to do the same. I too wish to be inspired and to inspire others. It’s exciting, and it makes me smile. As I continue to consider my purpose in life, this is clearly one of those important signposts that will guide my way.