New beginnings…..

My life has changed so much within the last year. It’s exciting. I decided to make a decision to change my life. For the better, I hope. What is it about the fear of the unknown? It can be crippling! I’ve learnt that a useful acronym for the word ‘fear’ is false, evidence, appearing, real. But what does that really mean? Well for me, it was the fear of leaving a respectable, well trodden career path with a decent income, with well lit lamps ahead of me to guide my path, to take a different path…one that didn’t appear to be clearly signposted, was a bit foggy, but I could see inviting sunlight ahead, and more fulfilment and excitement and adventure. It felt as though this was the path to the real me, the real Tessa. A wise man said to me, “Well you must ask yourself Tessa, in 5 years time, will you look back to this moment and wish that you had been brave enough to try something new?” I replied, “Yes I probably will!”. “Well you must do it then”, he said. And so I did.

And I’m so happy that I did.

So, barrister and civil servant turned Entrepreneur and Business Owner/Developer and Leader, helping and empowering others to do the same and more…… and who knows what else to come!

We have all been given gifts, and we develop skills along the way. I am choosing to use my gifts and skills in a different way now, and I am learning new skills along the way.

Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire – St Catherine of Siena

Watch out world – here I come!