What You Ought To Know About GROUNDING

Have you thought, well I’ve heard people talk about Grounding, but I don’t really know what it is, or why I should know about it? Then this video is for you!

I’m a big fan of Dr Deepak Chopra, and he is the author of one of my favourite books… anyway…. I read an article of his ages ago about the benefits of grounding, and it led me to start a regular grounding practice as part of my wellness routine. I recently re-read the article and I just thought, this is just too good with so many benefits….and so I had to share my main takeaways from his teaching.

So what are we talking about when we say ‘grounding’? Well this amazing planet Earth that we inhabit, has its own natural electrical charge, like its own natural electricity, in the earth, the ground. For safety and security reasons, almost all things electrical are connected to the ground i.e. they are ‘grounded’. That’s just a fact and that is basically what it means when we say something is grounded.

However, it also applies to us as human beings, because your body is electrically charged. It all starts in your cells, firing off different charges for different functions in the body, and so when we are connected to the earth’s ground, when we are ‘grounded’, it is often said that you just feel better, and it is meant to be normal and healthy for you.

Are you with me so far?

However, and this is interesting,…… in our modern day city living, we unfortunately have become more and more disconnected to the Earth’s grounding charge. How does that happen? Well we’re not out barefoot on the ground, we don’t sleep on the ground, we don’t walk around on grass or soil barefoot as much as perhaps human beings used to, decades or generations ago. And our shoes as well, most of our shoes have plastic soles and so we’re not getting that natural grounding from the Earth that is good for us.

So the article I read, the focus was all about research that explored how grounding had improved areas of people’s health, and it looked at health benefits of grounding. I found this fascinating so let’s highlight 3 fascinating areas.

Grounding decreases levels of inflammation and pain

Wow!!! How many people do you know, maybe yourself included, who have regular challenges with pain, regular challenges with inflammation, even deep deep deep down in our tissues, the type of inflammation you’re not even aware of……anyway! The research talked about grounding the body during sleep and the impacts that that could have, reducing pain that could often interfere with your sleep and helping you to sleep much better. I talk a bit more about this in the video. Anyway, definitely worth thinking about.

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Grounding can reduce your stress levels

Love this! So in this research, it was shown that grounding can help to normalise your stress hormone, which is called Cortisone. This plays a big part in managing and reducing your stress levels.

Grounding can improve your circulation

This is really interesting, and especially if you’re like me with a hidden disability, and one of the areas that’s super relevant to you is your blood circulation and maximising the oxygen flow to your body. When you have really good blood circulation, your blood carries oxygen around the body, it carries nutrients around the body to where it needs to get to, so it is super important. And this particular research was interesting, as it was sort of looking at blood flow in the facial tissues after grounding, and the tissues had improved so much. How fascinating?!

Anyway, the upshot of it all is I think grounding is too good of a tool for you to ignore in bringing it into your everyday health and wellness routine. So you might be saying well that is all well and good, but what can I do to get more grounded, or get more connected with the Earth’s charge?

And it’s pretty simple really. When you can go outside and walk around barefoot. Sit, stand, walk, or soil, barefoot on grass, on concrete, and if you’re near the ocean, just get your whole body in there! But it this isn’t easily accessible for you then there are all sorts of grounding products you can get like grounding mats, I believe grounding chairs are available.

I have a grounding mat which I got at the beginning when I first learnt about grounding. I started using it under my desk when working on my laptop, and after a while I wanted more, so I placed a grounding mat on my bed, on top of my bedsheet at the bottom of my bed, so I can sleep whilst grounding. And I’ve been doing that every night for about 2 years.

And I know it is difficult to measure and quantify your benefits, but I have to say I feel great, I sleep much better; it may well be contributing to how I manage my levels of pain, though I can’t scientifically say that. What I can say is that I feel the difference if I miss it. Recently, I’ve noticed that I get a cooling and calming sensation in my feet which puts a big smile on my face as I relax into sleep mode.

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