Yesterday I heard a wise man say, ‘ Being a great teacher is about being a great learner…’ and it got me thinking. Are we more concerned about the leading than we are about the learning? The path of personal development can be exciting and sometimes even exhilarating, but it can also be tiresome, painful and stagnant if you have a negative outlook and focus on the things you are yet to master and perfect. What is it about those people you admire and look up to, that make you want to follow them, or be a part of what they are about? I seem to be attracted to people who have had an interesting journey in life, which resonates with me and the change of direction that I have experienced in the last few years.
Would I be as interested if they had not shared their struggles and challenges? If they had not been open about their passion and excitement for their current course in life? I don’t know. Perhaps not. But surely the act of leading is not just about the shiny transformed figure of excellence sharing wisdom and great advice. It must also be about taking others by the hand and showing them how to do things by actually doing it themselves. ‘Do as I do’ and not ‘Do as I say’.
So do you recognise this ‘Leading Learner’ when you look in the mirror? Are you taking the time you need to attend courses and training to improve yourself? Are you investing in yourself? Are you taking moments out of your day to be still, to still your mind and your body? Are you being open to new experiences and ways to improve? Can you really be bothered to push through those areas that you know don’t come easily to you, and can be painful when faced with parts of yourself that you just don’t really like? I’ll leave you with the words of another wise man, “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better”- Jim Rohn.