Don’t Let It Steal Your Joy!

So my friend Patricia who works her mad skills on my hair, tells me I have this little patch of hair on the back of my head where my hair doesn’t grow so much and it winds her up when she’s styling her masterpiece as it’s apparently a very disobedient patch of hair. Anyway, I’ve never bothered to inspect, so I thought I’d go in for a closer look. As I tried to angle my phone this way and that, I just caught myself in the moment… and I thought ‘Tessa, what are you doing man😜?’ and I just had this huge belly laugh take over and I couldn’t stop laughing at myself🤪 Who cares🤪😂😜right? I mean, we’ve all got funny bits, odd bits, extra bits, crinkled bits, swollen bits, bits that have a mind of their own, and bits that, let’s face it, you’ll never tell anyone about if you can get away with it 🤣😊 but so long as we learn to love all our bits as best we can, it becomes easier to love ourselves as a whole package deal. And don’t get me started on gratitudes ‘cos you know I won’t stop…. but really friends….. let’s be grateful for life each day, and maybe smile at all the little ‘bits’ that try to irritate us and steal our joy. What do you think?

#radiatelightandlove #enjoyingeverydaylife #shinebrighter #loveyourselftoday #joyfilledlife #gratitudes #behappybeyou

What Do You Say When You Look In The Mirror?

What do you say when you look in the mirror? “Wow my stomach looks big in this! I look so tired! This coat has seen better days! Oh no is that lipstick on my teeth? I really don’t feel like going out in this weather!” So why not change the record…. look into the mirror with gratitude and flip the script💪🏽 Give yourself a blessing in gratitude…”God I thank You that You are blessing me, watching me, guarding me and keeping me. Let Your face continue to shine upon me and enlighten me. Thank You for being gracious to me and giving me favour. Thank You that Your approval is upon me and that You give me peace”-adapted from Numbers 6: 24-26 Joyce Meyer✨✨……….. So now let me give you a blessing that you can then pass on to someone else…..’ May the Lord bless you and watch, guard and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favour) to you. May the Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually) ‘- Numbers 6:24-26 amplified bible…..Have an awesome day and take your #mirrorselfies with gratitude and love for yourself and your life

#radiatelightandlove #mirrorphotography #gratitudeistheattitude #gratitudes #bringthejoy #lovemyselfmore #enjoylifenow #presentmomentawareness

In True Bridget Jones’ Style

Wow ☺️am feeling accomplished in true Bridget Jones fashion! Have managed to apply my makeup on a packed commuter train whilst standing for entire 30 min journey, with unusually full backpack and handbag, freestyling to keep my balance without holding on to pole in rather unconventional wide-legged stance, like some extra-cool teenage boy on his skateboard along the Southbank. Nice added bonus of all knowing slow-motion headnods set to silent hip-hop beats received from a few other women on the train, almost like some secret sisterly sign-language, to say ‘you got this girl!’ or ‘nice work- looking good’, to which I gave a brave attempt at a similarly cool looking nod back in their direction, with an alien side grin smile and wink that could only have come from a cheesy 80s toothpaste commercial – where did that come from? Well am feeling accomplished in true Bridget Jones’ fashion- and am enjoying a good belly laugh as I replay all of this in my head, complete with groovy soundtrack and slow motion headnods. How entertaining 😂 Surely I’m not the only woman with a ‘make up on the train’ story?

#radiatelightandlove #bridgetjonesdiary #bridgetjonesbaby #thursdayhumor #enjoylifenow #makeuponthetrain #commuterlife

Do You Believe In You?

You are unique. You have a beautiful power within in you. So why don’t you believe in yourself?

Perhaps there are times when you just don’t feel strong enough, or pretty enough, or slim enough or clever enough…..and this ‘feeling’ stops you from making any progress along the path to where you would like your life to be. I know, really I do.  Well, borrow my belief in you for a moment. You are a remarkable human being with a capacity to love the whole world if you want to. Underneath that worn out slightly battered exterior, battered by the daily challenges of life, you are light and joy and full of kindness. You have an ability to connect with other human beings in a way that no one else can copy – your smile, your laugh, your ways of being you. As you start to appreciate yourself again in the little things you do each day, be grateful for your life. Let your gratitude be like a glass of sparkling water bubbling up in bursts and spurts and bubbling over and out of the glass onto the table! Be overflowing in gratitude for your life, and you will start to ‘grow’ your belief in yourself once again.


You see as you develop and grow your belief in yourself, you start to build your armour against fear. Fear is like the cowardly thief in the night that swoops in and steals your dreams, your hopes, your plans and your goals. Last week I learnt from the amazing Dr Tom Barrett that there are two realities about fear: the fear of growing, and the fear of not growing.

In the context of following your dreams in the form of a side project or a business, the fear of growing may involve your fear of being laughed at; being taken seriously; knowing what to say or how to answer questions. All equally cringeworthy (!) but all surmountable obstacles by simply learning and practising new skills.

The fear of not growing however is far worse. It may mean that you will always have more month than money; you remain unfulfilled in a job that you dislike and is draining your passion for life; you’re not ready for retirement; and your dreams are never ever realised. The fear of not growing sounds far worse to me: what do you think?

So if one of the main reasons why you are not taking that first step to change your life is that you just don’t believe you can, perhaps you’d like to start growing your belief in you today?


The Love Of A Leading Learner

imageYesterday I heard a wise man say, ‘ Being a great teacher is about being a great learner…’ and it got me thinking. Are we more concerned about the leading than we are about the learning? The path of personal development can be exciting and sometimes even exhilarating, but it can also be tiresome, painful and stagnant if you have a negative outlook and focus on the things you are yet to master and perfect. What is it about those people you admire and look up to, that make you want to follow them, or be a part of what they are about? I seem to be attracted to people who have had an interesting journey in life, which resonates with me and the change of direction that I have experienced in the last few years. imageWould I be as interested if they had not shared their struggles and challenges? If they had not been open about their passion and excitement for their current course in life? I don’t know. Perhaps not. But surely the act of leading is not just about the shiny transformed figure of excellence sharing wisdom and great advice. It must also be about taking others by the hand and showing them how to do things by actually doing it themselves. ‘Do as I do’ and not ‘Do as I say’.

So do you recognise this ‘Leading Learner’ when you look in the mirror? Are you taking the time you need to attend courses and training to improve yourself? Are you investing in yourself? Are you taking moments out of your day to be still, to still your mind and your body? Are you being open to new experiences and ways to improve? Can you really be bothered to push through those areas that you know don’t come easily to you, and can be painful when faced with parts of yourself that you just don’t really like? I’ll leave you with the words of another wise man, “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better”- Jim Rohn.

Whose Rhythm Is It Anyway?

On my way home the other evening, I couldn’t resist taking a picture of these perfectly parked, perfectly straight and perfectly aligned ‘boris bikes’. I thought there was a real beauty in the symmetry and perspective, and I congratulated myself on what I thought was another great and quick addition to my ever-growing collection of photos on my Iphone ; a hobby of mine I suppose, just trying to capture the moment in pictures.

boris bikes lineHowever when I looked at the photo a few days later, I started to think about how so many of us want to be like these bikes, perfectly straight and perfectly aligned. Fitting in? Well, craving and seeking a sense of belonging is one thing, but learning to find your own rhythm in life, is something else. And I’m not talking about fitting in with others necessarily, well not today anyway. But more to do with finding your balance; your pace; your success habits; taking a tried and tested method and making it yours.

Putting this into an entrepreneurial context, say you are working with your highly successful mentor, and you are developing excellent habits by watching and duplicating. However, you have to find your own flow, and to do that you need to be clear on your personality, your style, your preferred language, all those things that make you uniquely you. What I have had in mind lately, is trying to find and maintain balance between the weekly plan of income-producing activity fitted into the nooks and crannies of my weekly life, and the sometimes compromising physical limitations of my body. What to do? I know that I am full of stubborn determination, which I believe is an asset in business, but perhaps less so when my health is at stake?

So, I am working on re-dressing the balance. As I get older, I understand more how the level of health and strength in my body is directly proportionate to my levels of happiness and joy and gratitude, and these core values are what keeps me in the right flow for my business and life. So, I am finding my own rhythm, and I know that this is important for my long-term success in business and in life. I am a work-in-progress, but a happy work-in-progress, enjoying my journey. Have YOU found your rhythm? Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people set up their own part-time or full-time home-based business, so they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session without obligation, and find out if this is a fit for you or text +44 7977 501212




Have You Lowered Your Ceiling?


Have you given yourself enough headroom to grow?  Sometimes we sabotage our own success by having a low ceiling. What do I mean by that?

Well have you allowed yourself to dream? And not just in a half-hearted daydream whilst on the tube waiting to arrive at your destination. But made an honest and considered connection with your heart. A real exercise of the heart and mind. Perhaps you are a bit scared to explore and examine your heart to find out what your real hopes and dreams and goals are in life. What you would really like to do; to be? Perhaps the all too familiar ‘reality – check’ (whatever that really means) wafts in unannounced into your soul-searching exercise, and automatically you hit your head on that lowered ceiling.

We’ve all done this right? Sure I know I have a million times! But not anymore.

Why have a ceiling anyway? In fact, the truth is, there is NO ceiling! Well, not unless you choose to put it there.IMG_1150

You may have heard this already. We really can change our view of our lives and abilities by changing our thoughts. Give yourself the headroom to grow. Loosen the pegs of your tent, if you like. A wiser man once said, ‘If you can conceive it, you can achieve it’. Let the light of possibility into your life.  Let the sky be your lower limit. Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people set up their own part-time or full-time home-based business, so they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session without obligation, and find out if this is a fit for you or text +44 7977 501212

The Freedom To Choose

What is it about choice and freedom that we crave so much? Is it because for many of us ‘choice’ means ‘control’? And we want to have more control over the direction of our lives? Perhaps. Could it be that freedom and choice are yardsticks for success in many western countries, and something that we would wish for our children and young people as they journey in life? Well you might say that freedom and choice are fundamental rights that should be protected and respected? I think of young girls and women who find themselves being exploited, trafficked or married before puberty. I think of children born into poverty, with no opportunity to go to school and have to work in child labour to earn something, however small for the family to eat. I think of children who are homeless and living on the streets, and those without parents or significant people to offer love and support unconditionally. Of course in a spiritual sense, it could be said that freedom and choice is misunderstood, and true freedom comes from choosing to submit and surrender one’s life to our Maker, who’s love and guidance will ultimately lead us to find and achieve our truest purpose and innermost desires which actually is what we secretly wanted all along, but we just couldn’t recognise or articulate it. So what is my message today? Well, I’m not sure. Yes I know that a 300 word blog is not necessarily the best place to get all deep and meaningful…. but this is on my mind and I want to reflect on the fact that many of us have such rich and abundant lives with an untapped power within us to do amazing and awesome things; to impact the world one life at a time and one day at a time. How will you choose to live your life?  What are you going to bring to the table? How will you choose to present the Gift that you are to the world? Can you feel the greatness within you? Can you choose to do what you love trusting that this is often a step in the right direction towards finding that greatness within you? Can you take the next step towards doing what you love? Life is a journey and you can choose your next step. I am excited to be sharing my journey with you. Will you share your journey with me?  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people set up their own part-time or full-time home-based business, so they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +44 7977 501212


What An Exciting Path!!!

So I’m feeling incredibly inspired and uplifted after an amazing 3 days with a room full of men and women who are completely on my wavelength! It really is amazing what can happen to you and others when you come together with a group of like-minded people and learn, laugh, cry, dance, share and basically feel deeply together. It’s like there is this invisible connection between us all, some sort of weird sci-fi stuff from ‘The Matrix’ where we are all feeding off each other’s energy; vibrations; excitement; hopes and dreams; and this natural empathy develops and you get talking about the more serious stuff – the fear of failure; the pain of an unsupportive spouse; the inability to release the guilt you feel for ….well a myriad of reasons; the similarity in our different mini-hero journeys;  the ability to overcome challenges and  the readiness to embrace a changed and brighter more exciting future on the horizon.


The interesting thing about Network Marketing Professionals, is that we all come from different backgrounds, different careers and skills, and really, you have to learn a whole new set of skills, in order to be an effective entrepreneur, and to help others do the same and support them in achieving their goals.

One of the interesting areas of learning, which many of us may not have  come across in our traditional careers, is the importance of cultivating the right mindset. Learning the right habits that serve to strengthen your mindset, to focus on positive self-talk, learning how to choose those emotions that will serve you and changing your emotional state in an instant, and learning how to work smartly, focusing on those tessa-with-dave-smiling

income producing activities to the exclusion of all distractions, and developing a vision so clear, and so big, that it excites you and energises you. All this I am learning from a very dedicated and talented man named Dave OConnor, and his work with Carla Reiger, as part of the Network Marketing Leadership Academy (NMLA). Very exciting. Very cool. Full of fun! Check out

However, the friendships that I am making along the way, along this exciting path is really what this is all about – enjoying the journey, and learning how to be the best version of you.  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people set up their own part-time or full-time home-based business, so they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +44 7977 501212


Oh Rocky Road……..

12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_nSo the new year is here, the excitement is building and there are so many great adventures on the horizon! As you embrace this exciting newness, and feel full of hope, you start to feel differently, lighter somehow, with a bit of a hop, skip and jump built into your stride. This may not be very visible to others, however they can see your smile, your joy, your effervesence and your happiness. You are oozing and overflowing with hope and possibility, and it shows! Your inner glow is beaming out to the world and you are feeling EPIC……..but sometimes those closest to you don’t see what you see, and don’t feel what you feel and perhaps are a little ‘miffed’ that you seem so happy, especially when they are not. You start to feel a little jaded, and perhaps start to pretend, or suppress your excitement, letting it out again when no one is looking.

So what if this new adventure is your new business? You are so excited, and your business is taking off and gaining momentum, yet your friends and family don’t understand, and think you’re crazy for getting involved. Worse still, they inadvertently put you down, and make jokes about you because this warped banter is somehow acceptable when you are the topic of conversation.


This, my friends, is the Rocky Road of the Entrepreneur. Get used to it. The best way to deal with it? Believe in yourself. Believe in your purpose. Don’t hide your light under a bushel just to make other people feel better about themselves. Build your resilience. Spend time with like-minded people, those who want to see you excel and believe in you. They will lift you higher, when you need it most. Your truth is enough. Be strong and in time you will develop a thick skin. You will need it as the Rocky Road is unchanging. What changes is your ability to change how you respond to the negativity and see your way through to a brighter place. Focus on doing what you need to do, to get you to where you want to be. Always be thankful. Smile.  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people reach a position where they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +44 7977 501212