Blog posts

Time To Set Your Sails

How valuable is your time?

We would all agree that time is a precious commodity, right? We often get annoyed when other people ‘waste’ our time and can feel like we have been taken for granted. Or perhaps we feel that we are perceived to be of lesser importance, when someone is late for an appointment or appears to be casual with their time, but only when the appointment is with you! Yet how do we value our own time? Are we more generous with our time with those whom we like more than others? What message are we giving to others about the significance of our time?


Valuing our time is linked to valuing our self-worth. So what do you think of yourself? Do you respect yourself and your ability to add value to the lives of others? Do you have a strong unshakeable belief about yourself? Perhaps you are full of doubt, and need to work on yourself? I have learnt that my time is really precious. I actively choose to spend it well and efficiently. I actively choose to spend more time with like-minded people and to prioritise my daily business building activities. 20160227_021116000_iOSIt is not always easy to stick to, but I practise, practise, practise. Yes, I have also noticed a difference in response in the language used by some people, ‘…I know you are busy, but I just wanted to speak to you about ….’, ‘..could you spare me 10 minutes after we finish today !’, or ‘…thank you for the time you have given me’. Create an awareness about who you are, and the value of your time. Be smart and work smart and value yourself. Enjoy the change in your language and awareness and be intentional with your time.


To find out more about Tessa’s business, go to

Green Snake In The Green Grass

Why do some people pretend to be friendly and supportive, when really they are not? Why is it that some people want to appear to be all things to all people, but are really not at all genuine and perhaps a little bit jealous of you? Why would some people rather choke, than give you a kind word or ask about your news? Even when it’s the most obvious ‘next’ question when exchanging pleasantries? How infuriating! But also, how funny! My grandmother, and subsequently my mother, would say, ‘Beware of the green snake in the green grass!’. It’s quite telling, isn’t it, when such people go out of their way NOT to be kind, or polite, or, well, simply pleasant. It takes more of an effort to be difficult and confrontational, than it does to be kind and conversational. Don’t you think?

So how do you react when such people get under your skin, or in your face?


Ha! I like to give them the biggest, beaming smile that I can muster in that moment. I smile like someone who has just won the lottery! I smile like a chocolate-lover who has just discovered a hidden bar of chocolate at the back of the fridge behind the lettuce! I smile like I am the newly crowned Miss World, declaring that my reign will be dedicated to embracing world peace! Well, I have a bit of fun with it I sup20160227_021116000_iOSpose, whilst I get it out of my system.

The trick is not to let any of these encounters disturb your inner peace. Know that your happiness and joy exists independently of such people. You continue to radiate light and love. Your success is not dependent upon such people. Your beauty and unique gifts are awaited by many people ahead along your path – many of whom you are yet to meet! Let us continue to embrace our passions, as they will lead us to our true purpose. Be brave. Be courageous. Be You!

Visit to find out more about Tessa’s business

It’s A Family Affair

So what is your definition of family?

I think of my mum and brothers, sister-in-law, nephews and niece. I think of my mother-in-law, and brothers and sisters-in-law, and their children. I think of my parents’ extended family, some of whom I may never meet. But what about friendships? Would you refer to your friends as family? I suppose it depends upon the quality and purpose of your friendships, or the intensity of your friendships? Perhaps it may have something to do with the quantity of your friends? If you have 500 friends, are they all family? family

I seem to be moving into unchartered territory, by forming business partnerships with people, who are fast becoming caring and nurturing friends. Perhaps I had no expectations of what this business would give me when I started out, but as I reflect on recent events and encounters and sharings, I can see that this is really very significant. We are all on a journey together. A journey of love, excitement, laughter, anxiety, disappointment, fear, success, challenge, fun and adventure. A journey of personal development and growth. A journey of discovery. For me, a journey of self-discovery and embracing the unknown. A journey of strength and endurance.

12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_nWhat I’m discovering is that this is such a healthy environment. You are propelled into becoming your best self, developing business skills yes, but also life skills. The ‘big belly laughs’ as my grandmother used to say, are never far behind, and let’s face it, who can put a price on laughter?

So when I think about my family, as described at the start, I will also include the amazing group of business partners with whom I find myself on this journey of life.

Right now, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To find out more information about working with Tessa, visit

New Foundations

Can you feel the newness in the air? A great time to form new habits!

So it’s the beginning of a new month, but not just any month. It’s the beginning of April. It’s almost as if there is something new and special in the air. The birds are singing and the buds on the trees are more prominent. There are tulips and daffodils making their presence felt. The sun seems brighter and the warmth on your face feels like a promise of great things to come.

Surely this is a great time to form new habits? Or break old habits? The excitement of nature’s renewal and the vibrancy of life is contagious. Even the Artist has been revisiting his love of headstands as part of his yoga-lates exercise. His rather straight, yet inverted posture looked vulnerable but surprisingly strong. Something to which I can aspire!  I am continuing to form new habits with exercise, primarily by short daily sessions on my Pilates machine or stretches on the yoga mat. Exercise is a big topic for most of us, so I’m sure I’m not alone here!


So what about forming new habits in your business?

Aristotle said, ‘ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit’.

So if you are striving for excellence and success, what daily consistent and repeated actions can you take to help form a new habit? Something I have learnt recently is about working in blocks of time to increase your efficiency and time management. 12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_nSo I take my week-to-view planner, and colour code it with highlighter pens, to ‘block’ out the chunks of time that I have available for my business  building activities, my family time and my training and development time. I am excited about implementing this each day in order to create a solid success habit. As I write this, perhaps I should also include a colour for my Pilates time?

What new habits will you form during April?

Servant Leader

What sort of leader are you? 12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_n

Leadership comes in many shapes and sizes and it may be that different people respond better to different leadership styles. You may be a leader in your family as parent or elder sibling, or a leader in your community, social group or church. You may be a leader at work or at social gatherings. Wherever you find yourself in leadership, are you a giver? Do you give of yourself, your time, your very essence, in order to help others?

The servant leader, despite it’s title, is a strong and effective model of leadership. This is the type of leader I choose to be in my network marketing business. This is what is so attractive about it – you are helping people become their best, and by focusing on helping others, your rewards come to you. mandela-leading-150x300

“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” – Nelson Mandela

Empowering others to develop into the best version of themselves is a beautiful and privileged position in which to find yourself. This is the path I have chosen to take, and I am enjoying working with amazing individuals now, and I look forward to working with those that I am yet to meet, who are on the path up ahead.

Are you one of those people on the path ahead?



Overflowing Abundance

I am tuning in to my overflowing abundance. Will you?

So what do we understand by abundance? As a child growing up I associated abundance with wealth and money, though somewhere along the line I formed the impression that there was probably an element of greed involved. Why did I think that? Where did that notion come from?

I believe that I also formed the impression that having or desiring abundance in the form of wealth and money was not a very Christian thing to do. Again, I ask myself why, and wonder where this belief came from. Am I alone here? thHEHLB4ZQ

Now, if I desire abundance in all areas of my life, what does that say about me? Well, what does it matter? Surely I should aspire to abundance as abundance is my birth-right. Surely I should aspire to abundance in order to fulfil my divine purpose in life. Surely I should aspire to such overflowing abundance, that I may be a blessing to everyone around me. Surely I should aspire to abundance so that I may be a blessing to the generations that follow me. Surely I should aspire to such overflowing abundance that I might change the world, one encounter at a time.

12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_nSo what would happen if we all aspired to step into overflowing abundance, and truly believed this and practised it everyday?

‘Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into’ – Wayne Dyer.

I am tuning in to my overflowing abundance.

Will you?



To Write Or Not To Write?

So do you keep a journal?

‘What is the point of that?’ some may ask. Well, I keep a journal, and when I reflect over my habits over the last two decades, I can see that I’ve always kept some sort of journal, but for different reasons. In my 30s I wrote about my spiritual journey and searching for…. well, meaning, I suppose. I wrote about my feelings and famous quotes or psalms that made me feel good, or that I could identify with. In my 20s, I wrote mostly in the style of a diary, talking about friendships and love, and heartache over a university boyfriend, the celebration and triumph of being an independent woman with a career, and the death of my father. Now I choose to write daily affirmations, and business ideas, and exciting goals, and the thoughts that pop into my head after silence and meditation in the morning. I have learnt to write a list of five to seven daily high leveraged actions, and a plan of activities for the week. There is still room for improvement, but that is part of the fun.11934907_991043547627047_814804250_n

I suppose now it is more of a holistic style of writing; frantic in a way as I am learning so much and spending time in personal development, skill set and mindset training via audio online programmes, or CDs or books and conferences and training days, so I’m jotting down any number of lists, notes, actions or congratulations20160227_021116000_iOS to myself for achieving a goal. However, It’s the ideas with small quiet voices, that when captured and written down, can develop a whole energy of its own, and take me off on a journey of discovery, excitement and action, that perhaps would not have caught my attention fully, had I not written them down and explored them in my journal.

So will you start to keep a journal?

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

My sister-in-law said this to me when we last spoke, ‘Tessa, your vibe attracts your tribe!’ It really is so true! It’s so fascinating how certain people come into your life and bless you with a rich and exciting partnership, and friendship. I really do believe that you meet people for a reason, and not by coincidence.

Today I have had the privilege to accompany and support two inspiring women as they build their businesses. Each at different stages in their lives and business journeys; one single, one married with children, both full of light and love, which of course is part of my mantra and mission statement, ‘Be light & love!’


I am so excited for them, and so excited to be working with them, and the lives we can change by working together on a shared mission. I am humbled by their tenacity and single-minded focus on their goals. Both have a strong desire to help others, as do I, and have a real passion for life despite personal, family and health challenges over the years. I recognise their dancing eyes as I see them myself when I look in the mirror. There is also a deep inner strength that comes from being immersed in and triumphing over suffering, with which I can identify. These women are unmistakably immersed in an attitude of gratitude and see each day as a blessing, yet are eager to learn new skills and develop personally in order to be more effective in all areas of their lives and in turn help others to do the same.


So did I attract them? Or did they attract me? It’s very interesting isn’t it? I am already learning about life from them, and their beauty runs deep. I have no doubt that they will have great success and I will do everything I can to ensure that this happens, and that they enjoy the journey. I am so happy and grateful to have the business that I have.



Who do you see in the mirror?

It’s funny how the person I see when I look in the mirror today, seems so different to the person I used to see. I’m not just talking about wearing my hair in a shorter style, or having brighter and more vibrant eyes or the increase in those little freckles on the tops of my cheeks that my grandmother, and subsequently, my mother acquired. No, I mean, the person I see, my true self. My image of me has changed! When did that happen I wonder? Well, it may have something to do with the fact that I now intentionally and actively choose to see myself as the person, leader and entrepreneur that I want to become. That I am becoming. That I am.


I am learning that the self-image you have, has a direct effect on how you communicate yourself to others, consciously or otherwise. Your lifestyle, wealth and material possessions may change, but if the image you have of yourself doesn’t change, then you are creating a major obstacle to achieving the fulfilment and happiness you deserve.

So who do you see when you look in the mirror?20160227_021116000_iOS

Our minds are truly powerful and amazing and I am in awe of how our human bodies were created. I intend to continue along this path of self-development and self-discovery, to get better acquainted with the power of our minds. In doing so, I can be the best Tessa I can be, and this is all on the path of becoming who I was meant to be. It may be a life-long journey but I am attacking it every step of the way! Life is rather exciting as I step into the person that I choose to be.

What steps are you taking to embrace your true self today?

No Way In – Keep Out!

No, please, I don’t want to hear it!


Why is it that once you make a decision to become sealed and proofed against negativity, that so many people choose to have a good old negative rant right in front of you? What makes it so attractive? It’s one thing to share your troubles and difficulties with a friend,   ‘ .. a problem shared is a problem halved…etc’,  but to choose to speak negatively about ourselves, the weather, the television schedule, the neighbours, the state of the nation, the bankers, the supermarkets, the children, the boss, the state of our finances, the adult siblings, the many physical ailments, the harshness of life in general and so on and so on; this is quite another thing entirely. If we knew how damaging this was, would we change our habits? I want to cultivate habits that serve me positively. How does negative talk serve you?th2LLV3GEC.jpg

It is draining, it is cyclical and stationary and repetitive. It paints a dreary window of life that is not uplifting to anyone. It also steals your joy. Why would you allow anything or anyone to steal your joy? I guard it with my life! When I hear the negativity rant building 1,2,3 I run away saying ‘No! Please! I don’t want to hear it!

Growing up with a number of health challenges, I have chosen to be positive and to view life through the glass of positivity. Sure, it’s not always easy, but it is a choice and it is far better than being negative.

20160227_021116000_iOSNow that I am an entrepreneur, I want to work with other people who have a positive outlook. There is a great energy created when positive minds work together with a common goal or purpose. My joy is safe and protected.

So, why not take another look at that negative self-talk.

How does it serve you? How does it make you feel?

Contact Tessa at to find out more #workfromhome  #networkmarketing