New Foundations

Can you feel the newness in the air? A great time to form new habits!

So it’s the beginning of a new month, but not just any month. It’s the beginning of April. It’s almost as if there is something new and special in the air. The birds are singing and the buds on the trees are more prominent. There are tulips and daffodils making their presence felt. The sun seems brighter and the warmth on your face feels like a promise of great things to come.

Surely this is a great time to form new habits? Or break old habits? The excitement of nature’s renewal and the vibrancy of life is contagious. Even the Artist has been revisiting his love of headstands as part of his yoga-lates exercise. His rather straight, yet inverted posture looked vulnerable but surprisingly strong. Something to which I can aspire!  I am continuing to form new habits with exercise, primarily by short daily sessions on my Pilates machine or stretches on the yoga mat. Exercise is a big topic for most of us, so I’m sure I’m not alone here!


So what about forming new habits in your business?

Aristotle said, ‘ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit’.

So if you are striving for excellence and success, what daily consistent and repeated actions can you take to help form a new habit? Something I have learnt recently is about working in blocks of time to increase your efficiency and time management. 12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_nSo I take my week-to-view planner, and colour code it with highlighter pens, to ‘block’ out the chunks of time that I have available for my business  building activities, my family time and my training and development time. I am excited about implementing this each day in order to create a solid success habit. As I write this, perhaps I should also include a colour for my Pilates time?

What new habits will you form during April?