How To Sustain Hope And Stay Persistent In Pursuing Your Dreams

I don’t know about you, but I am a huge fan of Brendon Burchard, and I enjoy listening to his podcasts and watching his training videos. He’s just ‘my kind of people’ when it comes to spreading positive teaching and having a real heart for helping people thrive and develop into their best selves.

So I was inspired to share some of the pointers I learnt from one of his podcasts and teachings.

Do you ever feel sometimes like all the hope has been kicked out of you? And you’ve just got nothing? And you’re feeling kinda hope-less? Does it annoy when all those cheery happy people say ‘well you’ve got to have hope!’. Well I like the way Brendon breaks it down for us to look at things differently. For example, the idea that hope is not something we just have lying dormant within our bodies, but rather it is something we have to generate. When we think of hope as something we have to actively generate, like energy, or electricity, then the idea of having hope doesn’t seem so far from our grasp! We can generate it!

Check out the video as I go into more detail and share my 4 top takeaways that we can use to generate hope in our lives. I hope this gives you food for thought and perhaps you can share in the comment section a way that you generate hope in your life.

How To Sustain Hope And Stay Persistent

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

4 Ways To Laugh More In Life

Have you ever thought, well ..’I’m so focused on my job, my business, my social media strategy, my blog, what to cook for dinner….. that I’m just not laughing as much as I used to?’ Hey, you’re not alone, and this video blog is for you! Life gets so serious right? It’s good to laugh, but for more reasons than you may realise.

Apart from the obvious feeling of effervescent joy that comes from a good belly laugh, there are scientific reasons why laughing is good for us. For example, did you know that laughing has been shown to reduce stress levels and the way we react or cope with stress? I explore these more in the video, but there are good reasons why you should consciously incorporate more laughter into your life.

How To Laugh More In Life

In this video I share ways in which you can actively bring in the laughing, and share a bit about how I’ve found laughter to be a help to manage physical painful episodes over the years. Some food for thought for us all perhaps.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

The Shocking Truth About Selling

The Shocking Truth About Selling

Ooooh this is a good one! Probably not quite what you’re expecting?! But it is a great eye-opening truth about selling. Why is it that the word ‘selling’ seems to have such a negative connotation in the hearts of so many home business owners?

No, it’s not the stuff of horror movies, where the once ‘respectable’ career professional gets killed off, or where you’re suddenly turned into a man with a cheeky grin driving a big white van…….. (or maybe those are just my version of past nightmares!). We are ‘sold to’ all the time, and if you’re worth your salt as a value -focused business owner, you should be proud to make the sale.

So, it’s time to make your peace with selling, and look at it in a different way.

In this video, I share a shocking truth about selling, that once I assimilated and I ‘got it’, it really changed how I turned up, and showed up, to do what I needed to do in my business. I learnt this from the awesome NYTimes bestselling author and business coach Dean Graziosi, of whom I have recently become a big fan.

So what is this shocking truth? Well, you have to shift the way you look at selling to one of service. Create a place where you have an opportunity to serve. Watch the video where I explain what I mean by that. And I hope the message has a positive impact on how you show up in your business, and in your life.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Why Would A Professional Start A Side Business At Home

Have you ever thought…. well why on earth would a professional start a side business at home? Like… don’t you have enough going on already? Well, you’re not alone for thinking that. Of course, professionals are hard-working, but for many, there is more month than money or just not much breathing space. For others, taking a look at a projection for your pension can be a painfully rude awakening if it’s less than you were expecting; perhaps a desire to create a holiday pot of money, something different or something just for you. It’s great to have choices.

In this video, I share a bit of my story as a professional who started a side business with tips and highlights for any other professionals considering starting something for themselves.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Create A Weekly Plan You Can Be Proud Of

How do you prepare for the week ahead? It’s an easy step to overlook in the busyness of everything else, of the doing! Sometimes it feels like you can’t spare the time it takes to do the plan, as that in itself is time you could be spending on your business or living your life! I hear you. But there are good reasons to set aside time to get this done and you may surprise yourself by opening up a whole different side to you!

Here are a few ideas to get you going.

Create a weekly plan you can be proud of!

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Red Boots Laced With Bold Courage

smileSo I was chatting with my dear friend Patricia, who has many talents, which include being an amazing hairdresser. As I was under the hairdryer, I was focused on her incredible red boots. She kindly let me take a picture, which I have attached below. I was so attracted to these boots, but not necessarily for the boots in particular, but because of the symbolism and what they represented to me. I thought it interesting that the shiny bold attractive redness, mirrored my dear friend Patricia’s personality – or perhaps my perception of her personality. Vibrant, joyful, happy, strong, carefree and eclectic. But I was left with the words ‘strong bold courage’. I realised that these were personality traits and emotions that I recognised in myself.

red-bootsHowever, I will be the first to admit that I do not feel strong, bold and courageous everyday! Far from it! However I can possess the spirit of boldness, and the spirit of courage, everyday, which in turn makes me feel strong. It feels great – well of course, why wouldn’t it? It would make anyone feel great! So why do we not do more to cultivate boldness and courage each day?

Well, you don’t have to contemplate dyeing your hair red (like me!), but you can strengthen your belief in yourself, your self-worth and your self-esteem. How do we speak to ourselves – in the quiet of our minds, as well as out loud? What company do we keep – negative friends or family members who, though they love you, have a lifelong habit of placing you in a box of limitations and speaking to you in a negative way? How do you encourage yourself to be your best self everyday? Well, these are all little daily steps we can learn to take, and create new habits, slowly, but steadily. I hear 21 days is the average time it takes to cultivate a new habit. That’s good enough for me.  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people reach a position where they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +447977 501212


Soft Focus…

So, I found myself face down on my yoga mat breathing deeply in a softly lit studio as the early morning sunlight started to stream through the glass and shine on my face. It was a beautiful moment of bliss, and everything within my line of sight looked almost magical. Sparkling light, revealing a multitude of tiny little particles in the air. It made me think about all the wonderful opportunities that life has to offer, that we may miss or not see or not be open to, because we don’t have the time, or the inclination to look a little closer, a little deeper or to pause and think of what could be different in our lives. What missed opportunities have you had in your life? Perhaps something was offered to you, but it sounded too good to be true? Or you thought it was ‘beneath’ you and so you dismissed it before taking a closer, more considered look? Or it sounded too ‘different’ or unusual for you to take seriously?


I feel that way about my business and my life now. How different my life was only 5 years ago. 3 years ago! It’s almost as though I have new and improved vision! Or, if you like films, perhaps it feels a bit like the movie ‘The Matrix’, where Neo, the character played by Keanu Reeves, discovers that all is not as it seems. The ‘normal’ world he is used to, is in fact, not real at all , but a computer programme. The real world looks feels and smells incredibly different, but it becomes far more attractive because you are seeing your life for what it really is.

I am excited by my ‘new’ life which looks, feels and smells incredibly different, but life is far more attractive as I am starting to see great things.To see life more clearly and live my life more deeply. For that I will be eternally grateful.  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people reach a position where they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa hereto schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +447977 501212

New Foundations

Can you feel the newness in the air? A great time to form new habits!

So it’s the beginning of a new month, but not just any month. It’s the beginning of April. It’s almost as if there is something new and special in the air. The birds are singing and the buds on the trees are more prominent. There are tulips and daffodils making their presence felt. The sun seems brighter and the warmth on your face feels like a promise of great things to come.

Surely this is a great time to form new habits? Or break old habits? The excitement of nature’s renewal and the vibrancy of life is contagious. Even the Artist has been revisiting his love of headstands as part of his yoga-lates exercise. His rather straight, yet inverted posture looked vulnerable but surprisingly strong. Something to which I can aspire!  I am continuing to form new habits with exercise, primarily by short daily sessions on my Pilates machine or stretches on the yoga mat. Exercise is a big topic for most of us, so I’m sure I’m not alone here!


So what about forming new habits in your business?

Aristotle said, ‘ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit’.

So if you are striving for excellence and success, what daily consistent and repeated actions can you take to help form a new habit? Something I have learnt recently is about working in blocks of time to increase your efficiency and time management. 12421817_1819123491648553_1537614005_nSo I take my week-to-view planner, and colour code it with highlighter pens, to ‘block’ out the chunks of time that I have available for my business  building activities, my family time and my training and development time. I am excited about implementing this each day in order to create a solid success habit. As I write this, perhaps I should also include a colour for my Pilates time?

What new habits will you form during April?