Red Boots Laced With Bold Courage

smileSo I was chatting with my dear friend Patricia, who has many talents, which include being an amazing hairdresser. As I was under the hairdryer, I was focused on her incredible red boots. She kindly let me take a picture, which I have attached below. I was so attracted to these boots, but not necessarily for the boots in particular, but because of the symbolism and what they represented to me. I thought it interesting that the shiny bold attractive redness, mirrored my dear friend Patricia’s personality – or perhaps my perception of her personality. Vibrant, joyful, happy, strong, carefree and eclectic. But I was left with the words ‘strong bold courage’. I realised that these were personality traits and emotions that I recognised in myself.

red-bootsHowever, I will be the first to admit that I do not feel strong, bold and courageous everyday! Far from it! However I can possess the spirit of boldness, and the spirit of courage, everyday, which in turn makes me feel strong. It feels great – well of course, why wouldn’t it? It would make anyone feel great! So why do we not do more to cultivate boldness and courage each day?

Well, you don’t have to contemplate dyeing your hair red (like me!), but you can strengthen your belief in yourself, your self-worth and your self-esteem. How do we speak to ourselves – in the quiet of our minds, as well as out loud? What company do we keep – negative friends or family members who, though they love you, have a lifelong habit of placing you in a box of limitations and speaking to you in a negative way? How do you encourage yourself to be your best self everyday? Well, these are all little daily steps we can learn to take, and create new habits, slowly, but steadily. I hear 21 days is the average time it takes to cultivate a new habit. That’s good enough for me.  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people reach a position where they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa here to schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +447977 501212