Soft Focus…

So, I found myself face down on my yoga mat breathing deeply in a softly lit studio as the early morning sunlight started to stream through the glass and shine on my face. It was a beautiful moment of bliss, and everything within my line of sight looked almost magical. Sparkling light, revealing a multitude of tiny little particles in the air. It made me think about all the wonderful opportunities that life has to offer, that we may miss or not see or not be open to, because we don’t have the time, or the inclination to look a little closer, a little deeper or to pause and think of what could be different in our lives. What missed opportunities have you had in your life? Perhaps something was offered to you, but it sounded too good to be true? Or you thought it was ‘beneath’ you and so you dismissed it before taking a closer, more considered look? Or it sounded too ‘different’ or unusual for you to take seriously?


I feel that way about my business and my life now. How different my life was only 5 years ago. 3 years ago! It’s almost as though I have new and improved vision! Or, if you like films, perhaps it feels a bit like the movie ‘The Matrix’, where Neo, the character played by Keanu Reeves, discovers that all is not as it seems. The ‘normal’ world he is used to, is in fact, not real at all , but a computer programme. The real world looks feels and smells incredibly different, but it becomes far more attractive because you are seeing your life for what it really is.

I am excited by my ‘new’ life which looks, feels and smells incredibly different, but life is far more attractive as I am starting to see great things.To see life more clearly and live my life more deeply. For that I will be eternally grateful.  Tessa Fyffe set up Tessa Fyffe Global to help people reach a position where they can choose how to spend their time and truly feel better about their lives everyday. Looking for a positive change in your life? Contact Tessa hereto schedule an information session, and find out if this is a fit for you. or text +447977 501212