How To Build Self Confidence – 7 Ways

Do you say to yourself, ‘I wish I had a bit more confidence’, ‘I feel as though I could express myself better if I knew how’, or ‘I just don’t feel confident enough to do xyz’?

Well, you’re not alone! In this video, you’ll learn about helpful ways on how to build self confidence, which is a challenge for so many people. The good news is that this is a skill that can be learnt and practised! So you can learn how to increase your confidence levels.

So let’s have a look at how we can get you started on the road to building self confidence.


  1. Identify where your lack of self confidence is coming from. This first step will help you focus on the most important area(s) to work on, and also you’ll be able to replace that problem area with more positive thoughts and reinforcement. Take a little bit of time and honesty to get to the root problem if you can. Journalling can be a great way to get to the nub of this.
  2. Aligning with your true self and true desires. We all have ideas of who we should be, what we should look life, how we should sound etc and letting go of that picture to an extent and focusing on who you are, just as you are. Your authentic self.
  3. Emotions are temporary and don’t last – the fearful feeling that you have and you get, it will have its peak and then run its course. It doesn’t last. So as the famous book says ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. It will get easier. Please don’t let your fear stop you from stepping into your light.
  4. Cultivating self compassion – often we are so hard on ourselves, I know I am. At times we need to tune into that beautiful inner voice of compassion for ourselves, and allow ourselves to grow and build confidence. So be forgiving and congratulate yourself for taking steps forward, no matter how small.
  5. Standing up to your own inner critic – Oh my goodness, isn’t the inner voice responsible for so many naughty things! Knowing how to control it – its not that you’ll stop the thoughts, but its like what Eckhart Tolle says about acknowledging that inner voice, and saying okay I see you, I hear you, I’ll give you your 5 mins of fame, but then I’m going to squish you (my word)!
  6. Taking a break from social media – I think this can be quite useful, as there is a tendency for us, at those times when we are feeling really low in confidence, and it could be just one post you see of someone else’s life, that could send you into a downward spiral or a place where you start to self sabotage and undermine your good work and progress.
  7. What is within your sphere of influence? What are the things that you can do? As you are doing things that you directly control, you’re gonna start feeling more confident. And as you are building confidence, you are in fact building even more confidence!

I’m excited for you on your journey. I’d love to hear how you get on!

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