3 Ways To Get Healthy Skin In Summer

I’m sure just like me, you’re grateful for the skin that you’re in and you want to do your best to take good care of it. Just as nature moves through seasons, so does your skin. Transitioning from the colder weather to the warmer weather, it helps to have some tools at your disposal to support your skin.

Changing up your skincare routine for the warmer weather is a great place to start.

Firstly, shifting your focus to hydration and boosting your hydration. Getting a really good exfoliator and using it regularly, so you can get rid of the barriers between your fresh skin coming through and your moisturiser. I go for plant-based, natural and gentle ingredients. So I use one with natural jojoba beads, bamboo powder and an active ingredient from pineapples, using it 2-3 times a week.

Next up, your moisturiser. Have you got a good serum? I have 2 that I use, and things to look for in a serum – natural ingredients and hyaluronic acid, which absorbs lots of moisture and plumps up your skin. Be proactive and drink more water (that doesn’t include teas and fruit juices), and less of those fluids that are dehydrating like caffeine.

Secondly, thinking about protection from UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays form about 95% of the radiation coming down to us, and we know what that does to our skin – and its not good. There’s nothing wrong with getting older and ageing gracefully, but you should want to protect your skin and have healthy skin going forwards. UVB rays are the ones that cause sunburn and redness. So we’re talking about sunscreen, for UVA and UVB rays. As it is for your face, sticking to plant based ingredients, and natural zinc oxide as the active ingredient which is great for the environment and not harmful to barrier reefs. I use a sunscreen with those ingredients.

Thirdly, its not just what you put on your face but its also what you put into your body. If you’ve got garbage going in your mouth and body, its gonna come out on your face. Perhaps having a spring clean and detox, or a deep dive into what you regularly eat? Specifically red flag processed foods, unhealthy trans fats, foods that really don’t have a high water content. Also drinking more water which I can’t stress enough. And supplementation – we are not always sure about the source or journey of that fruit or vegetable on your plate from the soil to your mouth!

There are some great supplements for your skin, with high Vitamin C (which is amazing for your skin), Biotin, Marine Collagen. So thinking about how you can boost healthy skin from the inside out.

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Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here linktr.ee/tessafyffe

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide https://tessafyffe.com/glowguide/