5 Benefits Of Daily Affirmations For Your Life

So if you’ve ever wondered what all the fuss is about affirmations and the benefits of daily affirmations, then this video is for you!

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably open to discovering all the tools that work for you in helping you live your best life, then you may want to tap into the importance of daily affirmations.

I am a big fan of Jack Canfield the author and teacher. His content resonates with me and the way he teaches you to excel in your life. I was reading one of his articles recently, well, re-reading it after a long time, and slightly different elements resonated with me this time; so I thought I’d share my highlights with you.


So what is a daily affirmation? Well, it’s described as a clear positive statement designed to help you create change in yourself, basically, so you become the kind of person capable of accomplishing the goals that you want. You have to say it in the present tense and also say it as though it’s already achieved. I like that part which is quite a lot of fun!

Let’s dive in!

Combats negative self talk

So when you’re repeating your affirmations to yourself every day, it’s going to help you become much more aware of what’s going on in your thoughts and basically in yourself. you become better placed to swap out all your negative self talk with your new and nourishing positive affirmations. It’s easy to get rid of something if you have another thing to replace it with. What better than to focus on positive life-giving statements that are going to boost your self-worth.

Decreases stress

Jack explains that your negative thinking is a major source of stress! That certainly has been my experience! So when you learn to replace and swap out negative self talk with positive self affirmations. You start to focus on different things. You start to focus on all of your good character traits and that makes you feel better about yourself which can increase your focus on what you’re facing by keeping you calm and helping you to think more clearly.

Lessens anxiety

So replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, and then taking a step forward by imagining positive outcomes, has been shown to help people diagnosed with anxiety disorder, in helping them to get to grips with their negative emotions. The article noted that focus on a positive result helped you remain calm and better able to deal with stressful situations. Pretty powerful right?

Easing depression

It is often said that your 2000 year-old brain is designed to help you be on a constant lookout for signs of danger so you can react immediately, if needed, to any threats coming your way ( if a lion is running towards you, you immediately run in the opposite direction !!!) However, although today’s lifestyle is very different, we still have a pre-wired brain that is inclined to focus more on negatives rather than positives. People suffering from depression also tend to focus more on the negatives.

Positive affirmations can lead to ‘cognitive restructuring’ of the brain, so that your perception of yourself and the world around you becomes much more positive and optimistic. I have to say that this is completely true for me and my experience of using daily affirmations.

Improves your overall well-being

So by helping to reduce your stress, reduce your anxiety, your regular affirmation practice can continue to help your overall well-being. It can positively impact your sleep habits, your eating habits, your levels of motivation to exercise, and generally encourage you to do things that are going to better care for yourself on a higher level.

When you see yourself in this light as someone who is capable, someone who is able to achieve the success that you desire, as someone who has enhanced value and is beloved, then you’re really going to treat yourself with much more respect and elevate your overall well-being.

With all this good stuff available to you, I’d encourage you to use this as a tool for designing and creating your own wellness mindset. I’d love to hear how you get on.

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