How To Write Affirmations In 5 Minutes

Have you ever thought, ‘I’d love to start using affirmations but I don’t know how to write them or where to start?” Well, great! This video is for you!

In this video, you’ll learn about how to write daily affirmations and how to write positive affirmations about yourself. I love the teaching of Jack Canfield, and this video is inspired by one of his articles that I read recently, sharing my take on it.

By the way, this is a follow up video to one I made earlier, ‘5 Benefits of Daily Affirmations’, which you can check out in my blog posts below. I use daily affirmations for health, happiness, success and positive affirmations are an important part of my everyday life. I’ve been doing this for years now. It has made me think and feel differently about my world and how I exist in it.

Your daily affirmations can help you manage your hidden disability lived experience as it has done for me. It has made me more robust in my mindset and outlook, and more resilient when faced with challenges, and absolutely full of hope, love and certainty of good things. Learn how to write affirmations quickly and how to write affirmations correctly. You can improve your whole outlook, perception and enjoyment of life with your regular daily affirmations practice. Let’s dive straight in.

How to Write Affirmations In 5 Minutes Video

So what is a daily affirmation? Well according to Jack Canfield, daily affirmations are clear positive statements designed to help you create change in yourself so you become the kind of person who is capable of accomplishing your goals in life. I’d like to add that a big part of that is how your outlook on life starts to change by becoming more empowered, more positive, more inclined to enjoy your journey that much better because as you change, the way you see your life changes. At least, that is how it has been for me.

So here is a great 8 step formula showing you how to write your affirmations quickly:

Start with “I AM”

Such powerful words in the English language! Each of your affirmations starts with these two words. That’s it. As Tony Robbins teaches, you should be careful of what words you attach to ‘I AM”, because when you regularly use them, they tend to come true as you bring them into existence. You’ve been warned!

Use the present tense

Yes, this is a big one. Always write them in the present tense. Imagine you are experiencing what you say in your affirmation right now. Write it from that place of it happening now. For example, ‘I am so happy and grateful now that….’

Affirm in the Positive

It’s so important to remember to say what you want. Don’t say what you don’t want. Saying “I don’t want to be late any more”, just means that your brain is focused on being late. Saying “ I am so happy and grateful now that I am early to my Monday team meeting”, is much more like it. Are you with me?

Keep it Brief

This isn’t the place for your version of War and Peace. You want this to be easy to memorise and repeat

Make it Specific

Saying ‘I am so happy and grateful now that I’m losing weight’ is too vague. ‘I am so happy and grateful now that I have lost 1 kg and I can fit into my favourite skinny jeans again’, is going to be easier for you to visualise and really feel the excitement behind it. Vague is a no-go!

Include an action word ending with ‘ing’

This amplifies the present tense rule as you enter into the action of doing something, and enjoying embracing the vivid image of your affirmation actually happening. I love how this puts a smile on your face as you visualise. Such a small thing, but a big thing.

Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word

Happiness and Gratitude are powerful emotions, so including ‘I am so happy and grateful…’ will set you up nicely

Make your affirmation for yourself, not others

Yes it would be nice to get your husband to stop smoking with an affirmation for him, but alas, it doesn’t work that way. Your affirmation is about you.

I look forward to hearing how you get on.

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