How To Build Self Confidence – 7 Ways

Do you say to yourself, ‘I wish I had a bit more confidence’, ‘I feel as though I could express myself better if I knew how’, or ‘I just don’t feel confident enough to do xyz’?

Well, you’re not alone! In this video, you’ll learn about helpful ways on how to build self confidence, which is a challenge for so many people. The good news is that this is a skill that can be learnt and practised! So you can learn how to increase your confidence levels.

So let’s have a look at how we can get you started on the road to building self confidence.


  1. Identify where your lack of self confidence is coming from. This first step will help you focus on the most important area(s) to work on, and also you’ll be able to replace that problem area with more positive thoughts and reinforcement. Take a little bit of time and honesty to get to the root problem if you can. Journalling can be a great way to get to the nub of this.
  2. Aligning with your true self and true desires. We all have ideas of who we should be, what we should look life, how we should sound etc and letting go of that picture to an extent and focusing on who you are, just as you are. Your authentic self.
  3. Emotions are temporary and don’t last – the fearful feeling that you have and you get, it will have its peak and then run its course. It doesn’t last. So as the famous book says ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. It will get easier. Please don’t let your fear stop you from stepping into your light.
  4. Cultivating self compassion – often we are so hard on ourselves, I know I am. At times we need to tune into that beautiful inner voice of compassion for ourselves, and allow ourselves to grow and build confidence. So be forgiving and congratulate yourself for taking steps forward, no matter how small.
  5. Standing up to your own inner critic – Oh my goodness, isn’t the inner voice responsible for so many naughty things! Knowing how to control it – its not that you’ll stop the thoughts, but its like what Eckhart Tolle says about acknowledging that inner voice, and saying okay I see you, I hear you, I’ll give you your 5 mins of fame, but then I’m going to squish you (my word)!
  6. Taking a break from social media – I think this can be quite useful, as there is a tendency for us, at those times when we are feeling really low in confidence, and it could be just one post you see of someone else’s life, that could send you into a downward spiral or a place where you start to self sabotage and undermine your good work and progress.
  7. What is within your sphere of influence? What are the things that you can do? As you are doing things that you directly control, you’re gonna start feeling more confident. And as you are building confidence, you are in fact building even more confidence!

I’m excited for you on your journey. I’d love to hear how you get on!

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

3 Mindset Tips On How To Manage Pain (Hidden Disabilities)

In this video, you’ll learn about 3 mindset tips (also practical tips) to help you, when you are experiencing serious or chronic pain, perhaps as part of your hidden disability. Millions of people just like me, all around the world, have a hidden disability where one of the symptoms involves experiencing varying levels of pain and so finding ways to manage pain, or tips on how to manage pain, are so important for your lived experience and journey of life.

So let’s dive straight in. I explain a bit about how my hidden disability manifests itself in my body and in my everyday to give you some context.

First up – Lose the Warrior !

A lot of people have this attitude towards pain, where you’re in fighter mode, like you have declared a war on your pain. And your language changes and your mindset reflects this too. I used to feel that way as I thought it was the only way to get through my agony. However, I have since found that this consumes so much of my energy and actually can work against me and become counter productive.

So I moved from that to trying to view the pain episode and embracing it as a part of my journey and relationship with pain. This involved having a real acceptance, in the moment, in that moment of pain, almost like a letting go. Almost like I’m distancing myself a little bit. I know some people are programmed to fight against the word ‘acceptance’ or ‘surrender’, but I have found that there is a real strength in that.

Next – Focus on getting over the bridge!

Focussing on moving to the next point. Maybe if pain is a regular part of your life as part of your HD, you will know that there are times when the pain is SO severe. And rather than focusing on the slightly longer term things (like will I have to take time off work? will I need to go into hospital? what will I do with all the food I just bought in the fridge?),

just focus on the next moment thing (okay I’ve just taken some strong pain relief which should kick in in about 20 mins, let me focus on my deep breathing and try to calm down for the next 10 mins and reassess). And ONLY focussing on that. Condensing your focus within the pain just on the next moment. Getting over to that next point, over the bridge.

Lastly – Single person Ninja Strategies! Time to get smart!

Maybe you’re like me and millions globally who live alone. If you have a HD and have a long-term relationship with pain and have to manage your pain, then you do need some ninja strategies, to make this whole process as simplified and empowering as possible for you. What do I mean by that? Well we’ll need a bit of planning, a bit of preparation.

Knowing at what point is the final point where I absolutely will need to get help, call an ambulance etc. Also, being quite organised in what you’re going to need and when. So where is your key room at home, where you know that if you’re going into a painful episode, that is your go-to place, because that is where you have all your stuff within easy reach.

Where you’ve got extra blankets, access to your water bottle, your tv remote for those comedies to help you get through your painful episode, where your phone is fully charged, easy access to the toilet an/or kitchen for when your pain hits a plateau and you can finally stand upright and hobble about – whatever you need!

Also planning your hospital bag ready to go, should the worst happen and your home pain management can’t cut it in this instance because the pain has spiked and suddenly it has become an emergency.

It really is about a marathon, rather than a sprint! So the thing is to help yourself get through this time, as tomorrow is another day with more life to enjoy.

This is just a little dip into the pain management conversation. More to follow. I’d love to hear from you if you have a hidden disability and/or have other strategies that you use.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

5 Ways To Live Alone : How To Handle Loneliness

With millions of people around the world living on their own, you would be forgiven for thinking that there was nothing new about how to live alone. However everyone’s story is different. My story is different and I’m pretty sure yours is too.

You may not have chosen to live alone. You may have lived alone at different stages of your life, and now you’ve entered another stage in your life and you’re a different person, and the feeling of living alone seems new, all over again.

There is however a flip side to living alone, which many people and cultures seem to wrongly combine with the experience of living alone, and that is the experience of loneliness. I should say that you can still experience loneliness even when you don’t live alone, but that is a topic for another conversation. I think the cultural attachments and generational meanings to living alone tend to cloud the issue, unhelpfully.

In this video, you’ll learn about 5 ways to live alone under the lens of how to handle loneliness. It’s great to have a game plan and some tips up your sleeve, so you can enjoy happily living alone, rather than focusing on being lonely. You can change your perspective and embrace the adventure of living alone happily.

5 Ways To Live Alone Video

So let’s dive into the video content!

The first way is all about Going Deeper! What is your belief system about living alone? Where is your head at? This doesn’t have to be sad, or bad, or something to feel sorry about. Don’t be afraid to really go deeper in your relationship with yourself. Your most enduring relationship in your life is with yourself! When you live alone, you have this gift of an opportunity to really go deeper, really understand yourself as you are now, learn what you’re about and what’s important to you.

Next, Don’t Be Afraid! Fear can block your enjoyment of life. What you perceive to be fearful about living alone often isn’t true, but it is just stopping you from looking at this in a different way. What if you let go of the fear and then started to see living alone as an adventure? All the things you can enjoy; how you spend your time; all the freedoms you have; all the things you don’t have to apologise for; having the freedom to just ‘be’.

Thirdly, Separate the Living Alone Stuff From Your Relationship Status! All the rubbish, the negativity around being single as your relationship status, often clouds the separate issue of living alone. Separation of the two issues can bring some clarity and a much needed breather and a chance to exhale. That feeling of longing that may come up from time to time as a single person, according to the awesome Eckhart Tolle, is quite normal, and so long as you’re not clinging to that need to be half of that whole you desire, and you put your life on hold until.. until.. until….within that space, you can choose to live in a really happy way and start to enjoy where your life is, right now.

Fourthly, Create A Nourishing Living Space! Do you love your living space? Visually, what can you see – the colours, images, words, affirmations….. those things that are your style…..what about the smells that you love, like essential oils……and how about giving some thought to your sleeping space? There is a lot of insight to be gained from the practice of Feng Shui, which you may be surprised to benefit from.

Lastly, Creating & Planning Your Joy! Knowing, learning and doing those things that really bring you joy and make you smile. So if you know, head-to-toe, how amazing you feel after a long soak in a hot bubble bath with your favourite lavender essential oil and candlelight, then make that a regular event to schedule just for yourself.

For me, it’s been a mindset shift; if you believe that living alone is an enjoyable part of your life, and holds so many possibilities and adventures for you… then you can start to live that way.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

How To Prioritise Tasks – 3 Decisions For You

Are you a list person? Always with one or more lists on the go? Well you’re not alone! Are you open to a fresh outlook on how best to prioritise? Well then this is a video for you!

I’m a big fan of Brendon Burchard, and I love his style of teaching and what he talks about! He’s my kind of people! Anyway, after listening to one of his podcasts recently, I had so many ‘aha’ moments, that I just had to share these with you.

I applaud you. It takes courage to adopt an ‘ever-learning ever-growing’ mindset, and that makes you my kind of person! So let’s dive straight in and learn together.

In this video, I talk about 3 key decisions for you to make that will help you to prioritise tasks better and empower you to keep improving.

How To Prioritise Tasks – 3 Decisions Video

So first up, stop prioritising your easy wins. Boom! I had to ponder over this for a bit before it sunk in. Maybe like many others you think it good to start with a quick and easy item on your list, because you can tick it off and feel good about yourself? Well according to Brendan, start with the challenging and difficult items first. Instead ask the question, what would significantly move you closer to your goals today? And that’s what you prioritise. I don’t know about you, but that really helps me in moving forward.

Next up, stop prioritising everyone else’s emergencies over your own priorities. Boom! Love this, and learning how to say NO! It’s a key life skill to understand the importance of putting a value to your time, in the work space but also in your life! You set the boundaries.

And the final decision which I find powerful is to start prioritising Freedom! Yes! Where in your day are you creating time and space for the things that nourish you? It’s really empowering, if when you’re planning your schedule for the week , you can see, written down, when you have 30 minutes for meditation, or a power-walk, or finally having that telephone conversation with your friend who makes you laugh out loud, and where face-to-face meet-ups aren’t possible yet.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

How To Heal Mother Daughter Relationships – 4 Tips For Daughters

How To Heal Mother Daughter Relationships – 4 Tips For Daughters

Some say that this is one of the more complex of family relationships, often plagued with layers of challenge, hurt, misunderstanding and conflict. We hear a lot about mothers and daughters being best friends, and sharing all aspects of each others lives in harmony, which is beautiful. How much do we hear about the flip-side to this dynamic, the not-so-pretty-to-look-at side of this important relationship?

Like many other women, this is a topic that resonates deeply with me and so I enjoy reading material on this. I came across an article recently that I find really helpful, and after digesting, I thought I’d share 3 highlights from it in this video. The fourth healing tip is my own, shared from my personal experience.

In this video you’ll learn about 4 healing tips on how to heal mother daughter relationships, as adult daughters. We talk a bit about the often painful road to healing yourself. A few ideas about how to perhaps put into motion a little bit of healing as an adult daughter with your mother.

The first tip is knowing that actually you are good enough. Really believing that you are good enough. Maybe you are full of admiration for your mother, maybe she has a strong personality, strong character or skills in a certain area, and you feel that you may not measure up to that. Creating a balance in this area which is often a source of conflict; accepting that you don’t have to validate yourself based upon the traits of your mother. This all leads to feelings of not being enough – which is a horrible weight to carry around. Please know that you are good enough!

Next, trying to understand and empathise with, your mother’s needs. Try to think about giving her grace to be where she is, in terms of her experiences in life.


Next, avoiding blame! Ooh, don’t we all love to get into this one! It is so toxic. Where can we perhaps let go of that blame? Sometimes we blame ourselves for not doing enough, not being there, not earning enough, not having the ‘right’ husband, not having any husband, not being submissive enough, not having the ideal life that our mothers wanted for us…….the list goes on and on, and it’s so consuming and really unhealthy.

Lastly, looking at ways to redirect and retrain your subconscious mind. This is something I have worked through, listening to a whole series of neurological-blueprints, and it’s basically getting rid of that inner voice that has been established over time, that is in fact actually false and has created this untrue narrative in your life which does not serve you. You re-set your mind with good understandings and good internal beliefs that are serving you, and edifying you and the wonderful gifts and the wonderful person that you are.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

How To Have More Balance In Life – 5 Ways

How To Get More Balance In Life – 5 Ways

What is your thing about balance? It’s like a perennial challenge in life right? Perhaps like me you’re always on the look out for a fresh perspective on how to achieve more balance in life. Well, I’m a big fan of Brendon Burchard and his teachings and take on life really resonates with me. I was inspired by one of his videos and I felt prompted to share some of the takeaways I had. So I have 5 ways to share with you about how to have more balance in life.

Decide why you need more balance in your life, and what does balance look like for you in your life. Where do you want that balance? Focus and get deep about why and where you need balance.

Remove more distractions – maybe it’s not about finding more balance, maybe its more about removing those things that do take up your time but are not really adding more value to your life.

Learning to JUST SAY NO and also not feeling like you need to apologise for saying no. Every time you say YES to something you are handing out hours of your precious time! I love Brendon’s take on this, and yes I used to BE that person!

How To Get More Balance In Life 5 Ways Tessa Fyffe Video

Learning to stick to timings! You’ve set aside 30 minutes to work on a project, and then 42 minutes later you’re still there! Well that wasn’t the plan was it? You’re giving away more of your precious time!

You need to improve your HEALTH to improve your balance. Can you improve your sleep? Can you sleep more and better? Can you meditate more? What can you do to better invest in your wellbeing?

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

Your Life Now Does Not Limit Your Future Self

Your Life Now Does Not Limit Your Future Self

So you wake up one morning, and you look at your life, and you feel weary …..and you sigh and think, ‘the vision I have for myself and my life feels like its so far away from where I’m at right now……am I just kidding myself..?”. Does this sound familiar?

Well my friend you’re really not alone in thinking this way, from time to time. This video is for you!

The trick is to recognise when you have these feelings and thoughts, and catch them before they do any lasting damage, and then change how you feel. But how?

I am a huge fan of the author and success coach Brendon Burchard. He teaches and empowers you in a way that truly resonates with me, and he brings such value to the world. If you’ve never heard of him, please please Google him and learn more. Well, one of his teachings inspired this video, so let’s dive in.

Let’s talk about how we can get so caught up in the stuff of life, often its the stuff that is your ‘busy work’ not your ‘passion work’ as Brendon describes, and this can weigh heavily on us. You know how disheartening it can be when you feel like there is no time to do what you really want to do….. and how can you move forward in the direction of your dreams?

What about when people like your family and friends take a view of what you say you’re going to do and say ‘you can never do that’, or worse, give you that annoying smirk smile that says ‘yeah right!’ and it just gets under your skin, particularly on those days when you’re not feeling as mentally strong as you usually do. People say things that are, in my words, a lot of nonsense, and it is stuff that is usually based on their own fears and certainly not something you should factor into your decision-making.

Your Life Now Does Not Limit Your Future Self Tessa Fyffe Video

What about, “You’re stupid for thinking that that would ever happen!”. Yep, that’s another one we love to hate. In the video I talk about how to take care not to share your innermost goals and dreams with just anyone. Something I have learnt first-hand over the years!

In the video I also talk about the importance of continuously believing in yourself, pushing past the struggle to feed your belief in yourself and I share an example of how I have done this in the past. And 1 more super important ninja step which you need to take!

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

Why We Need To Cleanse – 10 Reasons

How will a cleanse help you? Do you know why we need to cleanse? Once you understand what a powerful tool you have in your hands to restore, revitalise and refresh your wellbeing and wellness, then you’ll be as excited as I am about making a cleanse a routine part of your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly health habits of your life journey.

In this video, you’ll learn about 10 reasons why we need to cleanse and why you should cleanse your body internally. I share what I have experienced myself in my body and mind after doing a cleanse and detox from a plant-based perspective. 

Here I explain why we need to cleanse with a plant-based cleanse:

1. Removing Toxins and link to Weight-loss

2. Increasing your Energy

3. Decreasing Inflammation in your body

Why We Need To Cleanse 10 Reasons Tessa Fyffe Video

4. Improve your Digestion

5. Boosting your Immunity

6. Curb your cravings and nasty eating habits

7. Stabilising your mood and blood sugar levels

8. Your Skin is Clearer and Brighter

9. Improve Your Sleep Quality

10. Improve Your Focus, Effectiveness and Mental Function and Mindset

I’ve always found it interesting how we are quick to associate a cleanse with just weight loss, meanwhile you’re getting all these amazing benefits to your health, that the weight loss element just seems like a bonus! I encourage you to give some serious thought to how you can incorporate regular cleansing into your life……. can you really afford not to?

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

How To Handle Stress – 4 Tips

How would you feel if you decided that you would stop being that person who is knocked left and right by stress, and start to be a person that handles stress healthily and in a way that serves you?

Well in this video, you’ll learn about how to handle stress as inspired by Brendon Burchard’s teaching. I really enjoy his teaching on how to handle stress and I extract those bits that really resonated with me, in the hope that it may also help you.

Imagine having that starting point of deciding to be a person who is no longer taken over by stress? That mind shift alone is HUGE! You are just not that person who is going to get ‘stressed’ anymore! That’s a great way to start when thinking about how to handle stress and how to manage stress.

How To Handle Stress Tessa Fyffe Video

Once you make that decision, then you can go on to look at the next key area, which is how you can better manage deadlines and timings in your work, business and life, especially where you can give yourself some perspective, sometimes a different perspective on this thing that is causing you stress. I love how this links into how to handle stress spiritually and how to handle stress in a healthy way.

Taking some time out to breathe properly. Thinking about how you are breathing. Are you breathing deeply from your diaphragm, blowing the belly out as you take in a deep breath, allowing the bottom wider parts of your lungs to expand upwards and fully breathe. Proper breathing is immensely powerful in how to handle stress in life. An underused tool I believe.

Getting organised in your life. I believe this is a super powerful tool as it is something that can really give you peace of mind. Going deeper than just folding a few towels…. I’m talking about getting into a flow, setting aside the time for things to get done, and time blocking…………going deeper into getting organised can help to simplify your life, by creating space and clarity and … well, more peace. Another great tool helping you to learn how to handle stress positively.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

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Linktree (Tessa Fyffe HQ):


YouTube: @TessaFyffeGlobal




Top 2 Ways To Get A Flat Stomach

Top 2 Ways To Get A Flat Stomach

So let’s talk about flat stomachs. Something we love to talk about right? Whether you have one you’re proud of, or maybe you had a flat stomach and it disappeared after a time, or you thought you had the best way to get a flat stomach that worked in your 20s, but now in your 40s it’s just not working anymore? Whaaaaaat! (gimme a break please!)

So you may know that I’m usually coming to a topic from a wellness and ‘just feel well and happy’ with your body type of approach, so I liked this top info that I came across from reading and learning from nutritionists along my path, and I just had to share!

Now I think most of us have a general idea about the importance of the balance between reducing your calorie intake safely and increasing your exercise and metabolic rate when it comes to weight loss? So there is no shortcut as far as I’m concerned. So this is not a video training on that…. just in case you thought that.

It’s pretty amazing what soluble fibre intake – increased and regular – can do for reducing the circumference of your waist and thereby flattening your stomach. I go into a bit more detail in the video, in addition to how best to source your probiotics in food and, my preference, in some savvy food supplements.

Top 2 Ways To Get A Flat Stomach Video

The number 2 top way to get a flat stomach is pretty ‘ninja’ – the all powerful probiotic! Maybe you only think about those friendly gut bacteria fairies flying around in the adverts (really?), but actually, apart from being a seriously badass supplement for your gut health, it has real benefits for reducing your belly fat and therefore is a top way to get a flat stomach. I go into more detail in the video. So if you’re committed to creating your best ways to get a flat stomach for the forseeable future, in a healthy, more natural way, alongside the exercise, then I would encourage you to keep these ninja tools up your sleeve.

As with all food supplements, honour your body by using the best quality that you can; don’t just put any old supplement in you. Please do your research.

For details on what I use and personally recommend reach out to me, or sign up to my community via the free download link for my Get The Glow Guide, and I’ll hook you up sweet!

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

•••Connect with Tessa•••

Linktree (Tessa Fyffe HQ):


YouTube: @TessaFyffeGlobal


