So I became a vegan in September 2020, and it’s been a great 5 months so far. I think my body has adjusted to a plant-based eating pattern without too many dramas, or longings for fish or seafood.
It has been interesting learning to re-educate myself as to what could be more go-to sources of protein now that fish, meat, chicken and eggs are off the table.
In this video I share my excitement at discovering that there is a plethora of protein sources in vegan friendly food.
What Vegan Foods Have Protein?
Are you a newbie vegan like me? More established on your vegan journey? I’d love to hear from you!
Do you ever wonder whether your body is giving you all the signs and alarm bells but maybe you’ve not seen or heard them because you’re just not paying attention? You’re too busy?
Speaking for my fellow Entrepreneurs, I think it’s fair to say that in our quest to produce value and content for our audience and customers, in addition to our existing commitments, we’re not always the best at taking time out, or listening to our bodies and having some ‘non-work’ time to just stop, be still and switch off.
Would that be fair to say?
Sometimes we’re forced to stop and listen to our bodies due to illness, and then it’s like we have a valid reason to take some time off right?
Yeah, that used to be me. Waiting until my body forces me to stop before I do anything. Now I try to be more responsive to my body, but also making time for self-care. I am a work in progress!
On this video, I share ‘6 Signs You May Have Burnout’, as a way to start the conversation and get us all thinking what we can do ( or do less of) to avoid reaching that awful point of ‘Burnout’.
It’s New Year’s Eve. I’m in my favourite hoodie-pyjama combo, my new 2020 WFH look (apparently); dinner’s in the oven, one of my favourite vegan pies; and I’m enjoying a second glass of Prosecco (yes it’s 9pm so that’s allowed); whilst singing at the top of my voice to ‘Lonely Stranger’ by Eric Clapton (OMGoodness I love this song! Sorry neighbours, yes I know the CD is on repeat, but I’ve been such a good quiet neighbour; at least wait until track 6 ‘Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out’ until you start thinking about knocking at my door!) Anyway……… I’m feeling all this creativity bubbling up and just felt the need to write. So the oven timer has 25 minutes left so here goes…….
If I had to describe 2020 in one or two words, I would say it’s been character-building. Character-Building.
Feeling creative on New Year’s Eve
So many people seem to have nothing but negative things to focus on and recollect, but that just doesn’t sit well with me. We have all lost something, or someone, in some way. Granted, losing a dear one to Covid is not in the same category as losing a boyfriend or girlfriend due to the realities of lockdown living, or losing the ability to feel the joy of spending time with others when you’re shielding as a ‘clinically extremely vulnerable person to Covid’. Isolation is challenging, and we’ve all had that in some small way.
However, I choose to see the joy in this character-building year. I see that I have been given some lessons to learn. I only hope that I have been a good student, and improved my life in some way because of this year.
If I could use a second/third word to describe 2020, it would be gratitude. Gratitude. OMGoodness! The overwhelming feeling of being carried, guided, protected and loved brings me to tears. I’m talking about His Presence. God. In the absence of anyone else in my isolation, any physical person, His Presence has been palpable, like a heart-beat, a warm blanket around me, a feeling, a throbbing hug; sometimes it feels like a big belly laugh that fills me with laughter and a deep down feeling of joy; joy amidst the lockdown; a silent joy amidst the gloom; a feeling of hope ahead.
I’m so grateful for my life. I love my life. Warts and all. It is a gift. As Jake Ducey says in this affirmation:
I hear the oven beeping, so dinner’s ready and it’s time for me to wrap up. Eric Clapton is on his second play and I’m ready for another Prosecco top up.
I look to 2021 with excitement and hope. I am a different person now, compared to 12 months ago. I think it is even more important now, to show up and be counted; share your message; share your gifts; reach out to others; spread the joy and love; be your authentic you as I am going to be, and anticipate good things for your future by entering into this new year with the right intention.
Can you set your intention now? How would you like your 2021 to be? Who are you going to be? What brings you joy? How can you contribute? What do you have to say? Whether you know it or not, you are blessed! You have so much to give! You have something to say! You are very powerful (provided you know just how powerful you are!) Don’t let any of that go to waste because of a pervading and continuous negative outlook on life, perpetuated by the media, and people who don’t understand the damage caused by their negative, draining state of mind and energy, who persist in rolling in it like pigs in mud.
I wish you a 2021 filled with joy, peace and much love. May you be filled with good things; all those things your heart desires; proclaim them and call them to you; don’t be afraid to say them out loud and most importantly, write them down. Start being that person that you know you can be, that you dream of being!
In this video, I share the main results and benefits I have received from using my favourite products in my business.
My top 5 benefits that I have received from my favourite products include feeling energised and just having more energy than I did before. Being able to better manage my ideal weight consistently over time has been really great. Feeling less bloated and having more responsive digestion has been a big deal for me, as this is an area where I struggled before. My skin is clear with a healthy glow and I’m often asked about what I use on my skin. I’ve found that my number 1 favourite product, my liquid supplement, is fantastic for giving me glowing skin from the inside out. I’ve also noticed that my body is better at fighting off the dreaded lurgy and bugs going around, my immune system is strengthened with this supplementation. I’ve got a couple of funny stories I share in my video about my mum’s reaction to me after not seeing me for a while. It’s been great, and I’m grateful to be feeling and looking well.