How To Get Excited About Your Business Again (4 Tips )

So what comes to mind with the word ‘overwhelm’?

Stress? Headache? Hide under the covers? Brain fog? Maybe all of the above?

You’re feeling stuck with your beloved business or project. I get that. It’s so easy to get to that place where you’re sort of… frozen. You have all these great ideas and intentions, and sure, it seems like there’s never enough time (is there ever?) , but you know that already and you normally can push through…. but you’re struggling.

Yes we’ve all been there, and I can totally relate. So if that resonates with you, then this video is for you. I share 4 Tips on How To Get Excited About Your Business Again, so you can gradually get back into your stride and continue to serve and help others with your business or project, and impact the world with your gifts and your message.

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Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

What Everybody Ought To Know About Drinking Aloe Vera

No it’s not a typo. Yes I do mean DRINKING Aloe Vera. Whaaaaat?

I know, I know ….. I thought the same thing….. I thought it was a healing plant that was just for rubbing on sunburn or to soothe skin. Wow, little did I know that drinking high purity Aloe Vera Gel (not necessarily any old aloe plant on your windowsill which was a cutting from Aunt Ada’s garden) could have so MANY health benefits for us all.

5 plus years later, of drinking my preferred choice of high purity Aloe Vera Gel everyday, and my health has been completely transformed. Yes I probably sound a bit evangelical, but hey, a girl’s got to speak her truth! I have received improvements to my natural energy levels ( and I’m someone with a hidden disability that causes fatigue), stronger natural immunity (I used to be open season for every type of pneumococcal infection going around), my digestive system is balanced and running like a well-oiled machine (it used to be sluggish, with regular bloating and overworked), I sleep better than before, and my skin…… it just has a healthy glow from the inside out, and I honestly seem to look younger now than I did 10 years ago……

I could go on, but I’ll let you watch the video. It’s not magic by the way, it’s all about bringing the body into balance, known as homeostasis, which is what happens with a regular intake of high purity, high quality, Aloe Vera Drinking Gel.

It’s been a God-send for me, and I’m excited to share it with you. I share more about my preferred Aloe Vera Drinking Gel in my FREE Get the Glow Guide, which you can download here

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

What You Ought To Know About Exercise And Weight Gain Over 40

Do you ever feel like, now you’re over 40, your exercise efforts from yesterday-year just don’t seem to cut it anymore? Like maybe there’s some missing piece of information that no-one has told you?

Well you’ll be forgiven for thinking that, and honestly, you’re not alone!

But all is not lost! It’s just time to get a bit more knowledge about what’s changing in your body and what you can do about it.

In this video I share some information that just might help, or give you some food for thought………..

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

How To Sustain Hope And Stay Persistent In Pursuing Your Dreams

I don’t know about you, but I am a huge fan of Brendon Burchard, and I enjoy listening to his podcasts and watching his training videos. He’s just ‘my kind of people’ when it comes to spreading positive teaching and having a real heart for helping people thrive and develop into their best selves.

So I was inspired to share some of the pointers I learnt from one of his podcasts and teachings.

Do you ever feel sometimes like all the hope has been kicked out of you? And you’ve just got nothing? And you’re feeling kinda hope-less? Does it annoy when all those cheery happy people say ‘well you’ve got to have hope!’. Well I like the way Brendon breaks it down for us to look at things differently. For example, the idea that hope is not something we just have lying dormant within our bodies, but rather it is something we have to generate. When we think of hope as something we have to actively generate, like energy, or electricity, then the idea of having hope doesn’t seem so far from our grasp! We can generate it!

Check out the video as I go into more detail and share my 4 top takeaways that we can use to generate hope in our lives. I hope this gives you food for thought and perhaps you can share in the comment section a way that you generate hope in your life.

How To Sustain Hope And Stay Persistent

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The Shocking Truth About Your Fluoride Exposure

Have you ever wondered…what’s the big deal about fluoride? Why are some people so concerned about this? Well, fluoride is a toxin. It may or may not be that high up on your priority list of things to worry about, however you might like to keep it on your radar, using this video to pique your interest…….

5 years ago, I don’t think I was particularly well informed, and I’m not sure that I even cared greatly about the impact of fluoride on my health. I was gifted with a toothpaste that didn’t have any fluoride, and that sort of started my journey of awareness into why, really, fluoride is probably a bit of a no-no for me.

In this video, I share five shocking truths about fluoride that I recently learned, explaining what it is, how we have come to consume it, and steps you can take, if you’re so inclined, to minimise your fluoride exposure.

The Shocking Truth About Your Fluoride Exposure

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

4 Ways To Laugh More In Life

Have you ever thought, well ..’I’m so focused on my job, my business, my social media strategy, my blog, what to cook for dinner….. that I’m just not laughing as much as I used to?’ Hey, you’re not alone, and this video blog is for you! Life gets so serious right? It’s good to laugh, but for more reasons than you may realise.

Apart from the obvious feeling of effervescent joy that comes from a good belly laugh, there are scientific reasons why laughing is good for us. For example, did you know that laughing has been shown to reduce stress levels and the way we react or cope with stress? I explore these more in the video, but there are good reasons why you should consciously incorporate more laughter into your life.

How To Laugh More In Life

In this video I share ways in which you can actively bring in the laughing, and share a bit about how I’ve found laughter to be a help to manage physical painful episodes over the years. Some food for thought for us all perhaps.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

What You Ought To Know About Keeping Your Glowing Skin During Perimenopause

What You Ought To Know About Keeping Your Glowing Skin During Peri-menopause

So for those of us in our forties, we may be starting to notice or think about changes or the beginnings of changes in our emotions and feelings, eating or sleeping habits or in our bodies more generally such as temperature changes, especially at night. It may be that you’re entering Perimenopause, y’know, that time when you’re sort of in the waiting room area before going into the Menopause arena. Anyway, this isn’t an article about Perimenopause, although having listened into a webinar on it recently, it is super interesting and worth reading about. Here I share a bit about what I learnt about keeping your skin looking great during this waiting room period…… as we can often notice changes to our skin.

What You Ought To Know About Keeping Your Glowing Skin During Perimenopause

In this video I share some things I’ve learnt from reading a great article, talking a bit about Perimenopause and get an understanding of what’s actually happening to your body, the levels of the female hormone, and to your skin and what changes we may notice. This enables us to have a strategy for our skincare. I think it’s better to know what may happen, or is happening, and rather than roll-over and feel sorry for ourselves, we can get savvy and set up a skincare strategy to keep our happy skin, and happy selves.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

If you liked this then hit the ‘FOLLOW’ button, COMMENT letting me know what was your biggest takeaway, and tell a friend!

If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Many people ask me to share what health, wellness and beauty products I use. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made a list of my Top 20 favourites, the ones I personally love and use here

To get my great tips about having healthy glowing skin download my FREE Get The Glow Guide

The Shocking Truth About Selling

The Shocking Truth About Selling

Ooooh this is a good one! Probably not quite what you’re expecting?! But it is a great eye-opening truth about selling. Why is it that the word ‘selling’ seems to have such a negative connotation in the hearts of so many home business owners?

No, it’s not the stuff of horror movies, where the once ‘respectable’ career professional gets killed off, or where you’re suddenly turned into a man with a cheeky grin driving a big white van…….. (or maybe those are just my version of past nightmares!). We are ‘sold to’ all the time, and if you’re worth your salt as a value -focused business owner, you should be proud to make the sale.

So, it’s time to make your peace with selling, and look at it in a different way.

In this video, I share a shocking truth about selling, that once I assimilated and I ‘got it’, it really changed how I turned up, and showed up, to do what I needed to do in my business. I learnt this from the awesome NYTimes bestselling author and business coach Dean Graziosi, of whom I have recently become a big fan.

So what is this shocking truth? Well, you have to shift the way you look at selling to one of service. Create a place where you have an opportunity to serve. Watch the video where I explain what I mean by that. And I hope the message has a positive impact on how you show up in your business, and in your life.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

4 Top Ways To Get A Flat Stomach

Drumroll please! A topic that many of us love to hate………. loving our bodies sure, but also thinking about keeping a flat stomach and tackling that belly fat! In this video I share some interesting ways to get a flat stomach including the role of soluble fibre, probiotics, plant protein shakes and water. All good stuff!

4 Ways To Get A Flat Stomach

For me, keeping my body in balance, in homeostasis, is a key indicator to keeping healthy and feeling well. What I love about these 4 top ways, is that they are also good and healthy habits to adopt consistently for a balanced diet and lifestyle. Let’s keep the conversation going.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.

Why Would A Professional Start A Side Business At Home

Have you ever thought…. well why on earth would a professional start a side business at home? Like… don’t you have enough going on already? Well, you’re not alone for thinking that. Of course, professionals are hard-working, but for many, there is more month than money or just not much breathing space. For others, taking a look at a projection for your pension can be a painfully rude awakening if it’s less than you were expecting; perhaps a desire to create a holiday pot of money, something different or something just for you. It’s great to have choices.

In this video, I share a bit of my story as a professional who started a side business with tips and highlights for any other professionals considering starting something for themselves.

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If you’d like to watch more videos then hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on my YouTube channel so we can journey together. I’d love to hear from you.